Many of our clients like to inform themselves about what Clear Mind has to offer and return home to think about it, but so far 5 to 15 persons per year kick off their unwanted drinking habits and maintain that “Yes, we can”.

Many of our clients like to inform themselves about what Clear Mind has to offer and return home to think about it, but so far 5 to 15 persons per year kick off their unwanted drinking habits and maintain that “Yes, we can”.
Salamata has become a Well loved name in Nkoranza. ‘Lets ask Sala’. ‘When can i talk to Sala?’. She is the director of Clear Mind since 2014,
Continue reading “Salamata”A year after Bridget begun her work at Clear Mind in town, Kwame Evans, also from PCC, joined her. Kwame Evans has a job as shopkeeper and messenger. Continue reading “Kwame has a Job in Town”
Mr. Fosu comes from a small town, about 50 km north of Nkoranza. Over there he is known as a taylor but also as someone who enjoys his drink. For years the drink and the sewing machine befriended each other, Continue reading “Mr. Fosu will Fix your Clothes”
With the opening of the new Clear Mind Shop in town, Bridget Donkor, at age 27, started to work independently for the first time in her life sometimes stay for several weeks or months to recover from addiction.
Continue reading “Wonderful 2015”
Abena and the baby of her sister reside with Patricia in the house in town which we had just rented for the purpose of rehabilitation of our clients. Abena is the first to be in this house, under the care of Patricia.
Continue reading “Abena in Rehab.”
Arlette Buijs-Assenberg: WilL YOU SPONSOR ME IN THE GLOBAL CORPORATE CHALLENGE ?! Please support me in my journey to walk 10.000 steps, every day, for 100 days! Your donations will go to Operation Clear Mind,
Continue reading “Arlette Asks: “Will You Sponsor Me?””
Kofi’s drinking habits began to weigh heavy on his family and himself. Since 2011 he asked Patricia for help and joined our program. Kofi is now free of the slavery of drink and is very happy. Continue reading “Kofi Is Free”
Toen ik Nkoranza verliet gebeurde er eigenlijk teveel. Maar het kwam allemaal op zijn pootjes terecht, ook zonder mij natuurlijk, Continue reading “Snelle Ontwikkelingen Na Drie Jaar Aan De Weg Timmeren”
Onderstaand een bericht van Ineke Bosman, oprichtster en drijvende kracht van/achter Operation Clear Mind zoals eerder gepubliceerd op onze Facebook pagina. “On this Facebook page Continue reading “Hier Doen We Het Voor”