
Salamata has become a Well loved name in Nkoranza. ‘Lets ask Sala’. ‘When can i talk to Sala?’. She is the director of Clear Mind since 2014,

following Patricia in her track. While Sala runs her well attended restaurant near the hospitalgate in town, she keeps an eye at the Clear Mind premises opposite her restaurant and knows exactly what happens there. In the afternoon, after her work is done, Sala sits down with new or old clients and discusses issues with her team, Bridget, Sala, David and Willie. More complicated questions need the presence of Mr. Baffo but all current problems like sales of second hand clothes and the preparation od sheabuttercream, are worked out before Salas retires to her room nearby. Resting to Sala means preparing for the next day which starts at 4 am with cooking some 500 meals for her restaurant, clear mind clients and workers who each receive a free meal every day. Sala is precious. A real leader. Twice weekly she runs the AA meeting if others are not available and with her kind spirit and able hands she is the mind and heart of clear mind.

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