Projects/Development Plan

The Clear Mind Shop in the center of Nkoranza town opened in 2016. This was the first physical property of Clear Mind serving as the place to meet clients, holding AA meetings and running the recycle shop. During the years 2018 and 2019 the Clear Mind Team made a 5 year development-plan, aiming at creating work and supervised living arrangements for its target group, being certain specified AA clients and persons with a mild mental disability. The plan consisted of building an animal farm, a cashew plantation, a carwash facility with living quarters and other means to provide dignified work and living quarters for its clients.

2019-2021 – Completed Projects

Clearmind Farm (2019)

2019 (completed): A farm with cashew plantation of 24 acres in the rural area of Medina, 10 miles from Nkoranza city. Presently the Clear Mind farm serves as rehabilitation center for AA and a working and living place for 3 persons with a mild disability. They work and live here independently but of course under supervision.

Completion of Carwash (2020)

A huge effort but the day finally arrived where the Clear Mind Carwash was put into action! The local FM announced it: “On 1st and 2nd August everybody can use the carwash for free.” Over one hundred vehicles reported each day and the joy and pride was profound! Since there has been a steady stream of mainly taxi’s waiting for their bath. Hurray another employment project in action!

Restaurant and Vehicle Purchase (2021)

We completed the construction of a roadside restaurant  and at the end of the year we were able to purchase a Nissan 4WD. The restaurant gives employment to minimal three special cliënts.

2022 – Raising Funds to Materialize further on residences for supervised living

We raise funds to materialize further on residences for supervised living, sheltered living for our special clients who work at the carwash, the restaurant, the farm and elsewhere in town. We aim for a residence of 6 rooms near the carwash center and a smaller residence of 2 rooms at the farm. We also plan to open an over the counter drugstore in the old shop in town.

2023 – 2024 Solar Energy at all location and Fine Tuning Projects

We plan towards fine tuning of the projects with furnishing, additional equipment, a standby generator and if possible, solar panels at the carwash restaurant unit.

We plan for solar panels at farm. Additionally, we plan for a new rehabilitation center for alcohol-addicts. Thank you for your assistance. For banking details, please see support us. 

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