Clearmind Farm (2019)
2019 (completed): A farm with cashew plantation of 24 acres in the rural area of Medina, 10 miles from Nkoranza city. Presently the Clear Mind farm serves as rehabilitation center for AA and a working and living place for 3 persons with a mild disability. They work and live here independently but of course under supervision.
Completion of Carwash (2020)

A huge effort but the day finally arrived where the Clear Mind Carwash was put into action! The local FM announced it: “On 1st and 2nd August everybody can use the carwash for free.” Over one hundred vehicles reported each day and the joy and pride was profound! Since there has been a steady stream of mainly taxi’s waiting for their bath. Hurray another employment project in action!
Restaurant and Vehicle Purchase (2021)

We completed the construction of a roadside restaurant and at the end of the year we were able to purchase a Nissan 4WD. The restaurant gives employment to minimal three special cliënts.