Banking details Netherlands:

 ANBI approved. Stichting Clear Mind Foundation. Bank: NL 28 INGB 0006 5769 89.

When making a donation or sponsorship kindly leave your address details if you like to receive updates or our monthly newsletter.

How you can support us:

  • Volunteers: We welcome volunteers in Holland and Ghana. (
  • Donations: We receive no subsidy and are not supported by the Government of Ghana. Project developments such as constructing a restaurant, a laundry, an extension of the farm, more sheltered residences or an FM radio station for more public awareness can only materialize through gifts and donations. See the 5 year development plan on this site.
  • Sponsorships: The adults who live and work at one of the Clear Mind working communities need a monthly sponsorship of a total amount of €25 which links the sponsor if desired also personally to the client in Ghana. Sponsorships of €5 or €10 are also encouraged, we then combine persons together sponsor one client.  See below,’ list of personal sponsorships’.