About us

Change & make better world

Our purpose is twofold

The Clear Mind Foundation offers persons with a mild learning disability appropriate paid work and supported living if needed. At this point in time, 2021, we offer 14 jobs at our 4 Clear Mind centres in Nkoranza: The Shop, the Farm, the Carwash and Restaurant.

The first person who in 2014 began working independently (as a weaver, later salesperson) was Bridget Donkor, a girl with cerebral palsy. She was soon followed by Kwame Evans, also with cerebral palsy and a mild learning disability.

During the implementation of part of our 5 year development plan 2019-2021, designed by our Ghanaian team and raised funds for overseas, we increased our work sites with a farm, a washing bay for cars and a restaurant. This made it possible to increase employment for another 12 persons with a mild disability, reaching a work community of 14 at the end of the year 2021. We now employ Kwame, Bridget, Adjoa, Yaw, Charles, Naomi, Wycliff, Solomon, Agyei, Kuoffour, Kojo, Kofi, Amankowa and Paayaw, of which 10 persons live at supervised residences and 4 at their own homes.

This is a first, an unicum, in Ghana. By lack of subsidy and other government support this is only made possible because the 4 worksites run as small businesses, where income is generated to pay the workers and even save some income for recurrent expenditure of the project. In this unique set-up, the key team leaders, being stakeholders, also receive a small percentage of the generated income.

In order to secure the upkeep of the 14 special workers in times of need such as draughts and engine failures, they each have a monthly sponsor overseas who supports them with the amount of 25 euro per month. This setup works well.

Secondly the Clear Mind Foundation offers alcohol addiction care to persons of Nkoranza District in Ghana who ask for help with a drinking problem.This includes: Detox and rehabilitation facilities, medication and if needed referral to the hospital. The team also offers personal and family coaching.

A 12-steps Alcoholic Anonymous program with the possibility of meeting twice a week is organised by a befriended church in Nkoranza. If needed and possible we negotiate for work for recovering alcoholics.


Clear Mind started in 2011 when two friends successfully overcame their alcohol addiction with the help of coaching and low dosages of Baclofen. Since the start of the addiction care each year 3 to 5 persons permanently recovered from their alcohol addiction, dozens keep trying and some fail by giving up hope. In 2014 the project received registration as an NGO with an ANBI status both in Holland and in Ghana.

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